Welcome to Illuminated Cueing Arts, LLC
At Illuminated Cueing Arts LLC, we wanted to make practicing the cueing arts fun and efficient. Setting up exercises and drills is too time consuming which makes staying motivated difficult. Our ICA Training system (ICATS) solves both these problems. Setting up layouts is quick and repeatable, letting you practice til you "get it right"! Adding structure and efficiency to your training regimen is simple with the complete set of tools included in this training system. Considering a purchase? See our Customer Testimonials, and our Pre-Purchase FAQ.
Who should buy the ICA Training System?
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Create a Curriculum
The ICA Training System allows you to easily create your own complete curriculum, taking your knowledge and making it immediately accessible for students during lessons. Complementing your own material with content and expertise from other instructors lessons is also possible
Drills can be packaged as the instructor desires. Perhaps focusing on different skills, or targeting different player skill levels, or even aimed at particular student’s needs.
Tailor Lessons
Individual drills, or a set of drills, can be tailored to the student to work on a particular skill
Drills can be modified real-time, to adjust for a specific tables or styles of play.
Reach a larger audience with your expertise
Working with ICA, your curriculum can be offered for sale, available to any ICA Training System
Packaged Drills
Hundreds of packaged drills are available, for hours and hours of entertainment.
Targeted drills, focused on particular skills and created by professional instructors, help you improve any weak parts of your game.
Ease of use, making practice fun!
No more tedious drill set-up and “donuts”. Setting up drills is quick and repeatable, enabling you to practice a particular skill or shot until you “get it right”.
Drills can be adjusted, so they play “true” on your specific table.
Great for parties, or a small group of friends, challenging each other with “incredible” shots!
Support In-House Instructors
If your Pool Hall has an in-house instructor(s), they derive all the benefits for Instructors (above).
Additional revenue
New draw to your establishment, bringing in customers who want the “Individual” value of ICATS but don’t have a table at home. Or…
Rent time on the ICATs system to your customers, delivering professionally developed content for a nominal cost.
Challenge prizes – set up a set of “ten challenge shots” for customers to try. Daily (or weekly) prize for the high score!
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