Welcome to Illuminated Cueing Arts, LLC
ICA Training Software Instructions
Welcome to the ICA training software. Many of the features of the software are accessible through use of keyboard shortcuts, which will be indicated with the keystrokes in parentheses "(shortcut key)". Please follow the instructions below to setup and use this new and revolutionary method of training in the cueing arts!
Set Up WiFi
At first time power-up, the system will have booted to the program (calibration mode). However, WiFi needs a one-time set up for proper program operation. Press “q” (or “Q”) on your keyboard and quit "To Pi". Left-click the WiFi icon (the typical “wireless ‘bars’ symbol”, which should appear in the center of the bottom rail of your table. Select your hot-spot and enter password if needed. Double-left-click the “ICA Pool” Icon to restart the program.
Table Calibration Procedure
Right after plugging in the micro-computer for the first time the ICA training software will automatically load the table calibration program. Your table will have four left click draggable calibration handles that need to be aligned to the 1 x 1 diamond locations near each corner pocket as shown in the image to the right. When you have the calibration handles aligned correctly right click and a stop calibration menu will appear. Left click the menu to dismiss it and the main menu will appear. You are now ready to enjoy your new ICA training software!
Main Menu
The main menu give you access to the complete ICA training system. The top menu item is Balls which allows you to place cue and object ball images on table as well as randomize layouts. The second menu item is Tools which has many design elements to enhance your layouts. The third menu item is Table which is used to save and load drills and uploaded images. The fourth menu item is Settings which is used for setting your table size, projector location and re-calibration of your table. The last menu item is Quit(q) which gives you shut down options. First is To Pi which closes the ICA software and gives access to the micro-computer OS. Next is Reboot which reboots the micro-computer and re-loads the ICA software. Last is Shutdown which turn off the system. Each of the menu items will be explained in greater detail below.
Balls Screen
The Balls Screen allows you to place cue and object ball images on table as well as randomize layouts. Left click the C box to place on the table as many sequentially numbered cue ball images as you wish. Left click the 1-15 boxes to place the corresponding numbered ball images on the table. Any ball can be removed from a layout by double left clicking or re-clicking the same number on the Balls screen. Right clicking a ball on a layout will bring up an option to add a track line. At the bottom of the screen is the randomize section. Left clicking the Table(s) box will shuffle whatever balls are on the table. Left click the 15(r) or 9(Shift+r) boxes anytime to get a random corresponding ball layout. Any layout can be saved and named for further study by selecting the Table menu item and then left clicking the save or load drill item under the Drill section.
Tools Screen
The Tools Screen has many design elements to enhance your layouts. On the left side of the screen is the Targets section which has four items to choose from. The first is Load, which by left clicking allows you to load a custom target. The next three items are Circle(c), Triangle(t) and Polygon(Shift+t) which by left clicking will place a corresponding shaped customizable target on the table. On the right side of the screen is the Other section which has four items to choose from. The first two are Half and Full Ball Spacers which by left clicking will place a corresponding spacer ball on the table. The third item is Text Box which will place an editable text box in the center of the table. The fourth item is Aiming Ball(a) which will place an editable enlarged cue ball with a cue tip placement element and a speed bar element. Each one of these screen items will be explained in greater detail in the following sections.
Left clicking the Load item under the Targets section will bring up a standard dialog box like the one on the right. You can load a custom target in JPEG format that you created in any drawing program. You can import the drawings you create to the micro-computer via a USB flash drive. They should be placed in the Targets folder for easy retrieval. A dialog box like the one on the right will appear when you plug in your flash drive to the micro-computer. Click OK and a standard file explorer window will appear. Copy the custom targets that you created and place them into the Targets folder located at /home/pi/Pool/Targets. Use the same method to upload a scanned table layout except place them in the Drills folder located at /home/pi/Pool/Drills.
Circle, Triangle, Polygon
The Circle(o), Triangle(t) and Polygon(Shift+t) targets will be placed in the middle of the table by left clicking the corresponding box element. Each target can be moved, resized, rotated, reshaped and labeled. Multiple targets can be used.
Target Editing
To move a target just left click and drag it to a new location. To remove, resize, rotate, reshape or label a target, right click on the target and an options menu will appear like the one on the right. Left click the option you want. When you choose the resize, rotate or reshape options, round selection handles will appear around the shape. Left click on any handle to make an adjustment.
Half & Full Ball Spacers
Left clicking the Half or Full Ball Spacer items under the Other section will add the corresponding spacer ball to the layout. These are useful for keeping object ball spacing uniform. As you drag an object ball near the spacer ball it will snap to the edge to make placement easier.
Text Boxes
Left clicking the Text Box item under the Other section will place an editable text box in the center of the table. Its size adjusts automatically to the text written. It can be moved anywhere on the table. Multiple text boxes can be used. Left clicking in the text box will shrink it down to a small square with a T in it. Left click to enlarge.
Aiming Ball
Left clicking the Aiming Ball(a) item under the Other section will place an editable aiming ball on the table. Left click the black tip to show the correct tip placement for the shot and then left click and drag up from the bottom on the vertical speed box to show the correct speed. The speed is based in table lengths of a ball rolling down the table. Speed 2 equals a common lag shot (two lengths of the table).
Table Screen
The Table Screen has four sections. The first section on the left side of the screen is the Grid section which has two items to choose from. The first is Toggle grid(g), which by left clicking allows you to place a 1x1 major grid with 1/2 x 1/2 minor grid on the table. The second item is Snap-To-Grid(Shift+g) which make the standard grid snap balls to the grid in 1/2 grid increments. The second section is Drill which is used to load or save a drill layout. The third section is Flip which is used when you want to flip the current layout either horizontally(h) or vertically(v). The last section is Image which is used to load or remove a JPEG image that is not a drill layout. At the very bottom of the screen is the Clear(c) box which is used to clear a table layout.
Settings Screen
The Settings screen has five sections. The first section is Projector Mount which is used to set the projector orientation to End or Side Mount. The next section is Table Size which is used to set the size of the table being used. The next section is Aiming Ball Style which sets the text being shown on the aiming ball for tip placement as X/Y or Clock style. The next section is Calibrate which displays the calibration tool on the table. The last section is Update(Shift+u) which is used to update the program to the newest version and to download ICA supplied premium content.
Create a Standard Layout Workflow
Clear the table by Right clicking to bring up the main menu. Left click on the Table menu item. Left click on Clear at the bottom of the screen.Right click to bring up the main menu. Left click on the Table menu item. Left click on Snap-To for the snap to grid option or Toggle for the free movement option. Skip this step if no grid is needed to assist in ball placement.Right click to bring up the main menu. Left click on the Balls menu item. Left click on the balls you want to use for the layout and dismiss the screen by left clicking the X in the upper right corner of the screen.Left click on the balls to move them to the desired layout locations. Left click on the object balls to create shot lines to the desired pocket. This step also creates a ghost ball image to assist in aiming. Left click on the cue ball to create an aiming line and then left click-and-drag the end of the line to the ghost ball image. This gives the cut angle and the tangent line. Right click to bring up the main menu. Left click on the Tools menu item. Left click on the desired target shape which will place the target in the center of the table. Left click-and-drag on the target to move it where the desired cue balls destination will be after shooting the first shot.Right click on the target to which will bring up an options menu that will allow you to select multiple adjustments to make desired changes to the size, shape and rotation of the target. There is also a label option as well.Right click on the cue ball which will bring up the option to add a track line. Left click the option and left click-and-drag the arrow at the end of the track line to the ghost ball image on the object ball. Left click-and-drag again to continue the track line to the next desired contact point. Repeat left click-and-drag until you have the completed path the cue ball should travel to get to the target. Double left click to finish the track line. If adjustments are necessary to the path of the track line right click on the track line to bring up an options menu and left click Reshape. This will put selection handles at every line intersection that can be adjusted by left click-and-dragging the handle to the desired location. Left click anywhere on the table when finished. Right click on the track line where you would like to place a label if needed. Left click Add Label which will put a label at the midpoint of the line segment. Use the delete key to remove the default label and type the desired label. Left click anywhere on the table to finish. Right click to bring up the main menu and select the Tools menu item. Next left click on the Aiming Ball item. Left click + drag the black tip image to the correct cue tip contact point. Next Left click + drag from the bottom of the speed bar to reflect the proper speed of the shot based in rolling table lengths of the cue ball. Left click + drag on the aiming ball to place it at the desired location.Right click to bring up the main menu and select the Tools menu item. Next left click the Text Box item. Delete the default text and type the desired instructional text for the layout. Left click anywhere on the table to exit the text box. You can left click on the text box to make it into a small square box with a T as the label and move it out of the way of the main layout. Left click it again to bring it back to full size at the center of the table.Right click to bring up the main menu and select the Table menu item. Left click on Save under the Drill section. Name the layout in the dialog box. If you want the drill to be saved in the default Drills folder, then just exit the dialog box otherwise choose a location and folder of your choice and then exit the dialog box. Repeat any of the above steps to create as complex layouts as you wish. Enjoy!

Keyboard Shortcuts
